Monday, 21st September 2015
Algotronix Ltd., Edinburgh, UK announces that it has now
added a 40G MACsec version to its growing range of intellectual property cores.
The Media Access Control Security (MACsec) products are
designed to efficiently meet the requirements of IEEE 802.1AE. The 40G joins the existing 10G and 1G cores
to give a range of throughputs. The 40G
architectural design is targeted at medium and high performance FPGAs or SoCs.
The design has been carefully crafted to support both jumbo
frames and minimum size packets with a key change on every packet, which
represents the worst case situation for the system. The cores support both 128-bit and 256-bit
encryption keys.
“We are very pleased with this extension to our range of
MACsec cores”, said Tom Kean, Algotronix Managing Director. “The expanded range of applications needing
40G includes communication systems like Metropolitan Area Networks, data
centers, military, enterprise and test equipment”.
MACsec includes an option for “multi-SecY” (multiple MAC
Security Entities). This feature is
fully supported in the Algotronix core, and allows a transmitting station to
use unique encryption keys for packets to different destinations. In a data center, for example, it allows data
from different customers to be logically partitioned for added security.
The MACsec core is evolved from the efficient 40G AES-GCM
encryption core, and includes the extensive logic required to perform the
validation, statistics and Connectivity Associations. MACsec is agnostic to the Ethernet traffic
type, and with the introduction of this core can be easily added to 40G systems
to provide an additional layer of protection to a network.